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Illuminating the Shadow Self

A Channeled Message by Candace, Psychic Medium

Shadow work isn’t just a buzzword; it’s an essential journey toward understanding and healing the parts of ourselves we’ve hidden away. Shadows are those aspects of us we wish didn’t exist—the parts we may feel ashamed of, disown, or shrink in the hopes of fitting in, being loved, and belonging.

Where Shadows Come From

As young children, we begin to see the world through the eyes of our caregivers and peers. We learn which parts of ourselves are “lovable” or “acceptable” based on their reactions. Our caregivers, however, have their own shadows—parts of themselves they have hidden, disowned, or pushed away. Sometimes, they unintentionally project these shadows onto us, passing down judgments or fears they haven’t fully healed.

This is how shadows are born. Our caregivers often love the parts of us that feel familiar or align with the qualities they admire in themselves. Meanwhile, the parts that feel foreign, or that subconsciously remind them of what they themselves have cast into the shadows, are harder for them to accept. So the cycle of shadow continues, unspoken but impactful.

The Truth of Who You Are

It’s vital to remember: **you were born whole and lovable, every single part of you**. Yet, as children, we quickly learn that not all of who we are feels “safe” to show others. For some, revealing certain parts might seem dangerous because it threatens acceptance or belonging. For others, it may feel unsafe due to the judgment, shame, or ridicule we’ve witnessed. Sometimes, it’s simply a lack of understanding—others may not know how to relate to or accept these parts of us. And sadly, in some cases, revealing these parts could indeed threaten one’s physical safety, leading us to bury them even deeper.

Shadows Are Not “Bad”

There’s a myth that shadows are somehow “bad,” but this isn’t true. Shadows are your mind and body’s incredible, intuitive safety mechanisms. They’ve helped you navigate environments that felt unsafe by shielding you from pain or rejection. In many ways, your shadows protected you, allowing you to adapt and survive. But these shadows aren’t meant to stay hidden forever.

When we find safety—whether that’s within our bodies, environments, or relationships—we can begin to reconnect with our shadows. We can approach these hidden parts with compassion and curiosity. By doing this, we invite them back into the light, reintegrating them with the rest of who we are.

Reclaiming Your Wholeness

Shadow work is about embracing all parts of yourself and reclaiming the wholeness that was always your birthright. When you take this journey, you’ll find that the parts you once cast aside or felt ashamed of have valuable lessons and gifts to offer.

Reclaiming Your Shadow: Embracing Your Hidden Self for Transformation

In the depths of our subconscious lies the shadow—a collection of our suppressed emotions, forgotten memories, and disowned parts of ourselves. Often misunderstood, the shadow isn’t something to fear but an invitation to uncover your truest self. Reclaiming it can lead to profound healing, self-awareness, and empowerment.

What Does It Mean to Reclaim Your Shadow?

Reclaiming your shadow involves integrating the aspects of yourself that you’ve rejected or suppressed. These might be fears, habits, or emotions deemed “unacceptable” by society, your upbringing, or even your own self-judgment. By befriending these hidden parts, you can transform them into sources of strength and insight.

Steps to Reclaim Your Shadow

  1. Awareness: Shine a Light on the Shadow Begin by observing recurring triggers, patterns, or reactions in your life. These are breadcrumbs leading you to your shadow. Journaling about moments of frustration, envy, or fear can help you identify these parts of yourself.

  2. Compassion: Replace Judgment with Curiosity Instead of labeling these aspects as “bad” or “wrong,” approach them with curiosity. Ask: Why do I feel this way? What does this part of me need? Often, the shadow is just a younger version of you longing for understanding.

  3. Energy Clearing: Releasing Suppressed Emotions Emotions stored in the shadow often manifest as stagnant energy in your body. Practices like Reiki or sound healing can help release these blocks and restore energetic flow. During an energy session, you may even experience memories or emotions rising to the surface—this is a sign that your shadow is ready to be reclaimed.

  4. Shadow Meditation: Meet and Merge with Your Hidden Self Visualization is a powerful tool for shadow work. Picture yourself entering a quiet, safe space in your mind where you meet your shadow self. Allow this version of you to speak. What does it need? What lessons does it carry?

  5. Guidance Through Psychic Mediumship Sometimes, reclaiming the shadow requires insight beyond what you can access alone. This is where psychic mediumship can be transformative. Through connecting with Spirit, guides, or loved ones, messages can come through to help illuminate your shadow and provide clarity on how to integrate it.

  6. Integration: Acknowledging and Honoring the Shadow Integration is about welcoming your shadow back into the fold. This might look like affirming, I embrace my fears as teachers or I honor my imperfections as part of my humanity.

How Energy Work and Mediumship Can Support Shadow Integration

Energy healing clears away the residual effects of suppressed emotions, while mediumship can connect you with guides who offer wisdom for your journey. Through these practices, you can gain clarity, release old patterns, and step into alignment with your higher self.

Your Journey to Wholeness Starts Here

Shadow work doesn’t have to be a solitary journey. At Awakenings with Candace, I offer intuitive readings, energy healing, and psychic guidance to help you explore and integrate your shadow. Whether through an Insightful Connection reading, a Deep Connection Discovery session, or an energy boost, I’ll help you uncover the light hidden within your shadow.

✨ Ready to take the next step? Schedule your session today and reclaim the power of your hidden self.


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